The abbreviation for LCD is Liquid Crystal Display and this LCD technology provides low power requirements and less weight. LCD screens can also be used as computer monitors. Each pixel in LCDs emit light of intensity for a time period of 20 ms and it typically takes 12 to 25 ms to switch to next stage.
The response time can be shortened by using the over driving technique and by the panel design. They also act as a good component for playing video games. The older LCD models had a ghosting problem and the response time is shortened by the manufacturers as 2ms for computer monitors and 8 ms for LCD displays.
This technology is based of the function of polarized light. Two thin laminated polarized sheets are attached to the glass having a very thin layer of liquid crystal. It has 2 regular dimensional grids of electrodes, which allows every pixel in an array to be activated and selected individually.
The LCD technology is used in large screen televisions with active matrix addressing in combination. Earlier LCD models had a low end technology when compared to large screen plasma televisions. But now, the LCD TVs are able to provide a high end performance.
Currently, sixth generation panels are introduced by branded manufacturers like Sharp Corporation, LG display, Sony and Samsung. The 65 inch panel was first introduced by Sharp in 2004. Then Samsung introduced 82 inch panel in 2005, 100 inch panel by LG Electronics in 2006 and 108 inch panel by Sharp in 2007.
The High Definition LCD TV was introduced by Silicon Mountain as Allio in 2008 which is integrated with a Blu-ray player. In the future, many plans of dollar investments for LCD production have been announced by the manufacturers. So these LCD televisions will definitely make a key product in the market.