To understand what Really Simple Syndication means, let us start with the basics. Syndication is an activity consisting in re-publishing content that comes from a source other than the website, which is making available such content. Syndication allows websites to publicize any content change that takes place, including the addition […]
Com Update
Flood Damage Update – Top 10 Mistakes When Buying Flood Damage Insurance
What do you mean I’m not covered for flood damage? Unfortunately that’s what millions of homeowners are saying each year with shock and sometimes horror. Of course they never thought it could happen to them, after all they don’t live in a flood zone. But nevertheless they experienced a record […]
9 Questions to Ask When Updating Your Website
Most service professionals consider a web site as a necessary part of doing business these days. A 3-7 page brochure type web site provides straight forward information to potential clients looking for information. A brochure type site usually includes pages such as “Services”, “About”, and “Media Room” in addition to […]
Google Panda, in a Nutshell
Google Panda, launched in February 2011, is a relatively new development by the company to improve search results ranking algorithm. It is named after the engineer, Navneet Panda. Its aim is to show higher-quality websites on top of search results and keep ‘thin sites’ or low-quality websites on lower ranking. […]
Manually Updating a Local WordPress Installation Using Windows XP
Introduction Just recently, I updated WordPress from 2.8 to 3.0. Most tutorials including WordPress’s Codex, tell you how to update for a live blog, which is stored at your web host’s server. I could not find any information regarding manually updating an installation on a local computer (such as a […]
Computer Books – Update Yourself With The Latest In Information Technology
Some people are not even aware of what are computers and how are they useful to us. They can benefit a lot by reading computer books. Computer knowledge has become necessary these days to succeed in any area of specialisation. Every job requires that the candidate should have computer knowledge. […]
System Service Exception Error Fix
System Service Exception is an error that may appear in the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). This error persists when an exception occurs during a system service and leads to a transition from a kernel to a user mode. When this error occurs, the computer restarts itself and any unsaved […]
How to Fix Windows Error 1083 – Steps to Fix the 1083 Error on Your PC
The 1083 error is predominantly caused when you either try and update Windows from the Microsoft website or through Windows Update. The problem is caused by certain DLL files being unregistered on your system, which prevents the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) from connecting to the update server. This problem […]
WordPress Maintenance: Tips for WordPress Website Maintenance
If you have a WordPress website to manage, make sure you follow the right steps to maintain your site. WordPress maintenance and management involve a lot of things. In this article, we are going to take a look at a few aspects of WordPress maintenance. Read on to know more. […]
Welding Certification Tests For Boilermakers
A very common welding certification test for boilermakers is a 2 inch schedule 120 tube welded in a 6G position using Tig for the root and second pass, and stick welding for the filler passes and cover passes. Sound Simple? If you think it’s simple, you are wrong. A 2″ […]