The ABC of RSS

To understand what Really Simple Syndication means, let us start with the basics. Syndication is an activity consisting in re-publishing content that comes from a source other than the website, which is making available such content. Syndication allows websites to publicize any content change that takes place, including the addition […]

9 Questions to Ask When Updating Your Website

Most service professionals consider a web site as a necessary part of doing business these days. A 3-7 page brochure type web site provides straight forward information to potential clients looking for information. A brochure type site usually includes pages such as “Services”, “About”, and “Media Room” in addition to […]

Google Panda, in a Nutshell

Google Panda, launched in February 2011, is a relatively new development by the company to improve search results ranking algorithm. It is named after the engineer, Navneet Panda. Its aim is to show higher-quality websites on top of search results and keep ‘thin sites’ or low-quality websites on lower ranking. […]

System Service Exception Error Fix

System Service Exception is an error that may appear in the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). This error persists when an exception occurs during a system service and leads to a transition from a kernel to a user mode. When this error occurs, the computer restarts itself and any unsaved […]

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