The Otter Creek Middle School addition/renovation project is on schedule and 60% complete, Mary Krupinski, Fanning Howey project manager, told the Vigo County School Board Monday.
The project is scheduled for completion in time for the start of school in August, she said.
The project includes a new auxiliary gym, which is nearing completion; a new music room; cafeteria improvements and more classroom space. Soon, renovation of the existing music wing will begin, she said.
Krupinski provided a brief update and also sought approval of change orders.
The project is being financed through a building corporation and lease/rental process.
Construction costs are just under $8.6 million, Krupinski said. Garmong has the construction contract.
“It’s a very exciting time at Otter Creek when projects are starting to become complete,” said Sarah Gore, school principal.
The school board approved changes orders, including removal and disposal of asbestos within window caulking at a cost of $4,539. Another was to provide battery backup to emergency lights through new portions of the building at a cost of $26,982.
Another change order was to remove and reroute roof drainage at a cost of $18,748.
The board also awarded a contract for 1,350 Chromebooks for incoming kindergarten students. The district had six bidders and awarded the contract to CDW-G, which provided the most competitive bid, for $564,975, said Doug Miller, VCSC director of technology. Federal ESSER funds will be used.
The board also approved the sale of information technology equipment no longer needed by the district. Twelve companies submitted bids, with Valley Recovery Solutions being the highest bidder at $55,500, Miller said.
The transition to Chromebooks in classrooms and elimination of many computer labs has lessened the need for computer desktops and displays, according to the district. As a result, the administration solicited bids for the sale of about 500 Dell computers and 100 Dell monitors to be sold as a lot.
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