Social Media Marketing – A Broad Reaching Social Technology

Social media marketing is really a rapidly growing technology that allows the ways and means for people to interact socially. Examples of social media marketing tools are Linkedln, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and You Tube. Defined, it means using such online tools such as blogs, marketing, customer service, advertising, and public relations. There are some fundamental concepts to this marketing venue that comprise its basic online activities like creating a buzz which is a way to attract attention. Buzz is perhaps what makes online social networking work. It relies on news worthy events, blogs, videos, and even tweeting. It is a very powerful marketing tool.

Being an advertising method, social media marketing is a method that relies on various online social network services which can be email or instant messaging for example. Social networking websites are becoming huge communication sites where people gather to share information, news, and idle chat. Recently many of these services like MySpace, Twitter, and Linkedln have developed ways to combine conventional email and instant messaging into their services. Until fairly recently these type of social networking tools were thought to be used only by techies and nerds. Nowadays, more and more people want to know how to use these services for marketing their brands.

Historically speaking, online social media marketing has been around for several years. People have been connecting to blogs for the past couple of years and even before the World Wide Web was created, folks were connecting to Usenet News. Actually, the early dial-up bulletin board services users were exchanging primitive text messages and limited graphics. There are some interesting parallels between the early days of online social networking and today’s most popular tools and services. That’s good news for the aspiring online marketing entrepreneur. If you are looking to market something online, this venue has some powerful capabilities for your business.

If you want to use online social media marketing as a means to promote your business, there are several thinks to consider. The key to remember when using this tool to market your business is that you have to target people who have a common interest in your brand. If you develop online social friends that have your same interests your community will grow as more people run across your blogs and posts. It’s analogous to using word of mouth to get your brand popularized. Your social networking can bring new friends into the fold for your business marketing efforts.

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