Video card drivers are crucial components that enable your computer to play back video. Since everyone nowadays needs to have their video functionality up to par, it’s even more important to maintain those video card drivers by keeping them updated.
Missing or corrupt video card drivers will seriously hamper your ability to play back video on your machine. You’ll need to try a bunch of different methods so that you can pinpoint the cause of your video card problems. Let’s go over how you can fix video card issues quickly.
The Download/Uninstall/Reinstall Method
First of all, one of the most effective ways to fix video card device driver problems is what’s called the “download, uninstall, and reinstall method.” This method basically entails finding the right driver for your graphics card, installing it, then uninstalling your video card and reinstalling it with the new drivers integrated. Here’s how you can do this:
1. Figure out what the make and model is of your graphics card. You can do this simply by opening up “Device Manager” in Windows. Then, you’ll need to expand the entry labeled “Display Adapters.” Opening up this menu will let you see info related to your graphics card.
2. Get online and surf over to your graphics card manufacturer’s web site. So, if you’ve got an ATI graphics card, you’ll need to visit Find the proper site, navigate to it, and find the drivers that you need. You will need to know how to extract INF files so that you can properly integrate the new drivers.
3. Open Device Manager again. After you’ve right-clicked on the icon for your graphics card, click “Uninstall.” Then, the operating system will uninstall the outdated graphics card from your machine. You’ll need to restart the computer after this. Restart.
4. Once your computer has rebooted, the OS will locate your graphics card and install the updated drivers on it. Follow the installation wizard to complete this.
5. Install the new display drivers simply by double-clicking the display driver installation program. Now, your drivers should be working properly.
The method listed above can work great, so long as you know how to manually install drivers. If you’re not an technical whiz, you should probably not try to manually install drivers, because you can end up hurting your system if you make a mistake.
You also have to make absolutely certain that you find the appropriate drivers for your graphics card. Downloading the wrong driver can cause a whole bevy of unexpected problems.
What If Your Hardware is Outdated?
You might also simply have an old graphics card. Sometimes, you can only update a graphics card so many times before it can’t support the next generation of graphics. So you should make sure that your video card isn’t ancient.
An Easy Solution: Driver Update Software
However, the most effective way to get your sound card working again is to utilize driver update software. Driver update software is an automated process that works by scanning your system for outdated drivers and replacing them with new, functioning drivers.
Driver update software is also a preventative measure, because you can use it anytime to check and see if drivers are outdated. You can actually stay ahead of the game by running a driver update scan now and then. It’s a great idea to use driver update software when you need to fix video card drivers.