This alphabetical list contains a lot of hard to find phone numbers of Computer and Internet Related stuff. This is a basic rough list which I’ll try to update periodically. It’s not perfect as I’m sure I left plenty of companies out and all the phone numbers are US phone numbers with the exception of TuCows, which is a Canadian number and Logitech’s remote control number (They rule!). You may need to put a “1” in front of the Toll Free numbers where applicable. I tried to give customer service contact numbers as much as possible and used the latest phone numbers I could find:
Acer (for notebooks) 800-816-2237 (for Aspire) 800-938-2237
Amazon Support 866-216-1072
Amazon MP3 Support 888-802-3083
Amazon Associates 701-787-9740
USA & Canada: 800-827-3338
High Speed Broadband Support: 888-849-3200
Billing: 888-265-8003
Cancellation: 888-265-8008
Apple 800-APL-CARE
ATI 905-882-2626
Buy.Com – 800-800-0800
Canon 800-OK-CANON
CNET 1-800-616-CNET
Compaq (Part of HP) 800-652-6672
Dell 1-800-624-9896
Ebay 800-322-9266 888-749-3229
ESET (NOD 32) Technical 619-876-5400, press 3 Toll Free. 866-343-ESET 3738
EPSON (Dot Matrix Printers) 562-276-4350 (Laserjet Printers) 562-276-4382
Gateway 800-846-2301
Godaddy 480-505-8877
Google Headquarters 650-253-0000
Google Ann Arbor 734-332-6500
Google Atlanta 404-487-9000
Google Boulder 303-245-0086
Google Cambridge 617-575-1300
Google Chicago 312-840-4100
Google Coppell 214-451-4000
Google Dallas 214-559-5400
Google Denver 303-524-1123
Google Detroit 248-593-4000
Google Irvine 949-794-1600
Google Kirkland 425-739-5600
Google New York 212-565-0000
Google Phoenix 480-384-1000
Google Pittsburgh 412- 297-5400
Google San Francisco 415-736-0000
Google Santa Monica 310-460-4000
Google Seattle 206-876-1500 206-876-1800
Google Washington DC 202-346-110
HP (Hewlett-Packard owns Compaq) 800-474-6836
Linksys 800-326-7114
Corporate 510-795-8500
Billing 888-863-8312
Consumer Sales 800-231-7717
Online Orders 800-884-9480
Remote Controls (Canada) 1-905-273-4571 Main
Memory Store 877-ADD-RAM9
Micron 877-894-5693
Microsoft 425-882-8080 866-234-6020 800-Microsoft
Microsoft Product Support 800-360-7561
MSN 800-386-5550
NEC (Except as listed) 1-800-632-4525 (Floppy Hard & Optical Drives) 800-632-4650 (Monitors) 800-632-4662 (Printers) 800-632-4650
Nero Software (818) 956-7551
Corporate 408-540-3700
Customer Service 800-585-8131
Customer Service 888-638-3549
Customer Service 800-279-5688
Customer Service 800-715-2120
Netgear 888-NETGEAR
Nintendo 425-882-2040
(ESET) NOD 32 Technical 619-876-5400, press 3 Toll Free. 866-343-ESET 3738
Norton Anti-Virus 408-517-8000
Paypal 888-221-1161
PC Tools (Registry Mechanic & Spyware Doctor) 800-764-5783
Registry Mechanic 800-764-5783
Sony (PC Support) 888-476-6972 (Monitors) 866-357-7669 (Handhelds) 877-760-SONY
Spyware Doctor 800-764-5783
Symantic (Norton Anti-Virus) 408-517-8000
3Com 847-262-0070
Toshiba (PC Support) 800-457-7777 (PDAs) 800-949-7993
TuCows (Canada) 416-535-0123
Yahoo 408 349-3300 866 562-7219 408-349-1572
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