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Zacks: Analysts Expect ACCO Brands Co. (NYSE:ACCO) Will Post Quarterly Sales of $537.39 Million


Equities research analysts expect ACCO Brands Co. (NYSE:ACCOGet Rating) to report $537.39 million in sales for the current quarter, Zacks reports. Three analysts have issued estimates for ACCO Brands’ earnings, with the lowest sales estimate coming in at $528.20 million and the highest estimate coming in at $545.00 million. ACCO Brands reported sales of $517.80 million in the same quarter last year, which indicates a positive year-over-year growth rate of 3.8%. The company is scheduled to report its next quarterly earnings results on Monday, January 1st.

On average, analysts expect that ACCO Brands will report full-year sales of $2.12 billion for the current fiscal year, with estimates ranging from $2.11 billion to $2.14 billion. For the next fiscal year, analysts expect that the company will post sales of $2.16 billion, with estimates ranging from $2.15 billion to $2.17 billion. Zacks’ sales calculations are an average based on a survey of sell-side research analysts that cover ACCO Brands.

ACCO Brands (NYSE:ACCOGet Rating) last released its quarterly earnings results on Tuesday, April 26th. The industrial products company reported $0.11 EPS for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $0.09 by $0.02. ACCO Brands had a net margin of 5.82% and a return on equity of 16.57%. During the same quarter in the previous year, the company earned $0.10 EPS.

Several equities research analysts have issued reports on ACCO shares. TheStreet lowered shares of ACCO Brands from a “b” rating to a “c+” rating in a research note on Wednesday, April 27th. Zacks Investment Research upgraded shares of ACCO Brands from a “sell” rating to a “hold” rating in a research note on Friday, April 29th. Finally, StockNews.com downgraded shares of ACCO Brands from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a report on Friday, April 29th.

Shares of NYSE ACCO opened at $7.12 on Friday. ACCO Brands has a twelve month low of $7.05 and a twelve month high of $9.77. The company has a quick ratio of 0.85, a current ratio of 1.68 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 1.26. The company’s fifty day moving average is $7.96 and its 200-day moving average is $8.27. The stock has a market cap of $690.54 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of 5.79 and a beta of 1.90.

The business also recently announced a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Wednesday, June 22nd. Shareholders of record on Friday, May 27th will be given a $0.075 dividend. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, May 26th. This represents a $0.30 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 4.21%. ACCO Brands’s dividend payout ratio is currently 24.39%.

In related news, CEO Boris Elisman sold 7,335 shares of ACCO Brands stock in a transaction that occurred on Friday, February 18th. The shares were sold at an average price of $9.00, for a total transaction of $66,015.00. The transaction was disclosed in a filing with the SEC, which can be accessed through this link. Also, Director Ronald M. Lombardi bought 60,000 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, February 17th. The shares were acquired at an average price of $8.85 per share, for a total transaction of $531,000.00. The disclosure for this purchase can be found here. Insiders have sold 216,221 shares of company stock valued at $1,857,793 over the last quarter. Company insiders own 6.10% of the company’s stock.

Large investors have recently bought and sold shares of the stock. BlackRock Inc. boosted its position in ACCO Brands by 5.2% during the 3rd quarter. BlackRock Inc. now owns 10,147,818 shares of the industrial products company’s stock worth $87,171,000 after buying an additional 503,957 shares during the period. Assenagon Asset Management S.A. acquired a new stake in ACCO Brands during the 4th quarter worth approximately $2,393,000. Qube Research & Technologies Ltd lifted its position in shares of ACCO Brands by 200.6% in the 4th quarter. Qube Research & Technologies Ltd now owns 141,444 shares of the industrial products company’s stock worth $1,168,000 after purchasing an additional 94,383 shares during the period. Zurcher Kantonalbank Zurich Cantonalbank lifted its position in shares of ACCO Brands by 81.5% in the 4th quarter. Zurcher Kantonalbank Zurich Cantonalbank now owns 15,219 shares of the industrial products company’s stock worth $126,000 after purchasing an additional 6,833 shares during the period. Finally, Denali Advisors LLC lifted its position in shares of ACCO Brands by 4.0% in the 4th quarter. Denali Advisors LLC now owns 473,647 shares of the industrial products company’s stock worth $3,912,000 after purchasing an additional 18,341 shares during the period. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 85.00% of the company’s stock.

ACCO Brands Company Profile (Get Rating)

ACCO Brands Corporation designs, manufactures, and markets consumer, school, technology, and office products. It operates through three segments: ACCO Brands North America, ACCO Brands EMEA, and ACCO Brands International. The company provides computer and gaming accessories, calendars, planners, dry erase boards, school notebooks, and janitorial supplies; storage and organization products, such as lever-arch binders, sheet protectors, and indexes; laminating, binding, and shredding machines; writing instruments and art products; stapling and punching products; and do-it-yourself tools.

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