Mobile Technology Mobile technology is the technology used in cellular communication. Mobile code division multiple access (CDMA) technology has evolved quickly during the last few years. Ever since the beginning of this millennium, a standard mobile device has progressed from just a simple two-way pager to a mobile phone, GPS […]
The Personification Of Newspaper In The Information Giving Process
Being the oldest form of mass communication, newspapers have enjoyed a high rapport among their readers during all these years since they have introduced in this society. Newspapers have always played a critical role in spreading awareness, educating and informing people on a larger scale on various public concerned issues […]
Your Future Wrist Smart Phone Computer and Its Zapping Potential Considered
Can you imagine a future where everyone is wearing their smart phone? It will look more like an accessory than a personal tech device – where jewelry meets tech so to speak. I know it is somewhat hard to believe because it seems no one wears a watch anymore. In […]
Customer Service and Your Authentic Self
We often hear people say that to truly enjoy being a business owner we need to be authentic. We also hear that customers and clients will flock to us when we are authentic. Well, just what does authentic mean? The Webster dictionary defines authentic as being reliable and genuine. We […]
Investing in the Best Computer Speakers
Computers have in the last 10 years practically changed the way we work, shop, conducts business and even contact the outside world. Only large businesses and offices had this capability only 15 years ago but since then, the personal computer has invaded practically every facet of our lives. In the […]
Internet Phone Service – VoIP is The New International Call Leader
The latest statistics show that Internet phone service/VoIP has become the preferred method of placing international phone calls globally. No longer are callers turning to their land line phone service provider to make long distance calls; instead they are relying on the cheaper alternative of utilizing VoIP. What the Survey […]
Movie Review – "TRON" (The Original)
The original “Tron” movie was recently released on Blu-Ray DVD. It is a visually unique movie with a fairly interesting story that kind of reminds me of the storyline of the third Matrix movie, Matrix Revolutions. Basically, the story is about a computer programmer (Jeff Bridges) who is physically transported […]
Is Technology Really Making Life Easier?
I grew up in the 1960’s and 70’s when there were no computers, PDA’s or cell phones. There were no microwaves, no DVD’s, no MP3 players and there were only about 7 good stations on television. We didn’t stay home and play video games all day because there were no […]
Advances in Hospital Medical Technology
Technology has contributed much in making tasks easy and fast. These advances in technology are being adapted to hospitals and medical centers. And because of this, record keeping is not that difficult to handle. Doctors can easily keep, update and transfer medical records for accurate diagnosis and treatment. In the […]
Is Biometric Technology the Key to a Bright Future?
With so many terrorist attacks which have kept the safety of the people at stake, the question of the security of the people has become of a great concern. Whether it is your office, open place or any other private segments one does not feel completely safe. So we need […]