Advances in computing and information technology are changing the way people meet and communicate. People can meet, talk, and work together outside traditional meeting and office spaces. For instance, with the introduction of software designed to help people schedule meetings and facilitate decision or learning processes, is weakening geographical constraints […]
How Has Technology Changed Our Lives?
In the midst of the darkness that engulfed the world, the technology changed the entire life of the human beings. Undoubtedly, we have some negative repercussions of the technology but the positive results of technology have more weight than that of negative. However, it seems a little bit difficult for […]
Feeling Stressed? Try Going Technology Free For a Day
“My technology-free day was a nightmare,” exclaims one student at the very beginning of her final presentation on technology, nature, and her inner experiences of both. This exclamation has amused me so much that I have repeated it often through the day when describing this project to other students and […]
What Are The Benefits of Choosing Linux VPS Hosting?
In the world of web hosting, VPS Hosting combined with Linux operating systems offers numerous advantages. Linux VPS Server is a virtual private server optimised with the maximum performance using the Linux operating system. However, the key benefit of the Linux VPS is that it runs on an isolated operating […]
New Renaissance Technology and the Fate of Homo Entropicus
The problems facing human survival can be solved. The fossil record of the humanoid sphenoid bone, tells us that each time that bone changes its shape, a new humanoid species emerges. It has been clearly observed that it is now changing shape, and therefore the current human species is entering […]
Technology and the Age of Exploration
Advancements in technology, valiant journeys, and important people of the Age of Exploration created an impressive step toward the modern era. Improved technologies, such as the compass, which helped sailors along their journey to reach their destination, were promoted during this age. The brave journeys by many men were incredible, […]
Don’t Let Technology Surpass You – Stay Ahead of the Competition
Things have changed so much over the years. Earlier, people used to visit restaurants to catch up with friends and enjoy the food. But nowadays, technology has changed many things, including human. Even when we are sitting with our loved once, we keep checking our phones because somewhere technology has […]
What Is Communications Technology?
Broadly speaking, the term ‘communications technology’ can refer to any technology that allows its users to communicate with one another. Using this (admittedly loose) definition, two-way radios and mobile phones fall into the category of ‘communications technology’. The term also refers to computers and computer-related work. Here in the UK, […]
Universal Design and Assistive Technology
Universal Design is a concept that – in a perfect world – would enable those students with a disability to enter a room and immediately have EQUAL ACCESS to any and all information. With Universal Design, assistive technology can be used so that class lessons can be easily completed by […]
Technology And Entertainment – How Well They Go Together
The entertainment industry is now totally dependent on the use of technology. Their target was to meet challenges of the 21st century and adaptation of technology thus became inevitable. This adaptation was though for good because it did a lot of good to the industry as well. The reach to […]